Sound massage

Sound massages

Sound massage

duringDuring a sound massage, the harmonious sounds of the bowls are transferred directly to the body. For this purpose, the shells are placed on the clothed body and attached. Since the human body consists of approx. 70% water, the vibrations of the singing bowls can continue as a kind of micro-massage deep into the body at the cellular level. Due to the very low frequency of many tones, the brain is put into a deep relaxation comparable to sleep or meditation. The sound releases tension and blockages, it is good to feel the liberating sound waves throughout the body. The relaxation and healing process is supported in a gentle yet very intensive way.

The sound massage is based on ancient knowledge of the effects of sounds, which were used in Vedic healing arts in India, Tibet and Nepal around 5000 years ago. The singing bowls probably have their origins in the Himalayas and are widespread in Tibetan and Buddhist cultures and in India as well as in China, Thailand and Japan. Singing bowls have very special qualities. Their calming and relaxing effect has been handed down several times.

In 2009, a study by the European Association of Sound Massage Therapy e. V. in cooperation with the institute Dr. Tanja Grotz.

We use high-quality Peter Hess therapy singing bowls for our sound massages.

Prices:60 minutes €48

75 minutes €65

90 minutes 79 €

Bookable on 0176 82249772 Bookable on 0176 56624484


In a sound bath, the singing bowls are placed around your body and/or held over your body and struck. Immerse yourself in a wonderfully relaxing sound experience.
(Can also be combined with other instruments such as Hapi or Shanti).

Our specials:

Sound wellness massage

Experience one of our specials, our singing bowl wellness massage, where you can experience a wellness massage mixed with a singing bowl massage. First you will be massaged with the wellness massage and then the singing bowls will be set up for you with our Peter Hess therapy singing bowls. You will experience a very special, meditatively relaxing massage.

Klang-Hot Stone Massage

Experience one of our specials,

The hot stone massage in combination with singing bowls.

The hot stone massage can be combined very well with singing bowls.

First you will be massaged with the hot stones and then the singing bowls will be set up for you with our Peter Hess therapy singing bowls.

Let yourself be pampered by the warmth of the hot stones and the subsequent sounds of the singing bowls. You will experience a particularly deep relaxing massage.

Prices:60 minutes (back) 55 €

75 minutes €68

90 minutes €79

Sound journey

On a sound journey you can listen to the relaxing sounds of the singing bowls. At the same time, you will be guided to a quiet place, e.g. B. to the sea, to a forest, to a beautiful place...

Fantasy journeys enable us to switch off from everyday life and to come into deep relaxation. The listener's imagination is stimulated, he mentally imagines images for the texts that contain as many positive sensory impressions as possible.

In psychotherapy, fantasy journeys are used to discover inner strength and wisdom.


In a sound meditation, the participants lie comfortably on the floor on a mat, just like in the sound fantasy journey, and only listen to the relaxing, soothing sounds of the singing bowls, whereby you can get into a deep relaxation and a meditation-like state.

If possible, please bring an insulating mat or fitness mat and possibly a small pillow to the appointment. 

Prices: A sound journey/meditation costs €18 per participant

and takes place from a participation of 2 people,

It is also possible for an individual

Fee for just one person: €35

Bookable on 0176 56624484

Sound experience for big and small

Experience the exciting world of singing bowls with your child/children.

Learn together how to deal with sounds, the singing bowls, how exciting it is for the senses. Feel and see the effect of the vibrations of the sound. Learn with your child how to carefully strike the bowls.

In addition to the calming and harmonizing effect on mental well-being, they also train conscious listening and the ability to selectively perceive and correctly classify acoustic stimuli. In this way we can strengthen the children's basic trust and establish a connection with tones and sounds.

Prices:30 minutes €25

45 minutes €38

Bookable on 0176 82249772

Sound massage for back problems

Tension in the back and the resulting pain and symptoms are among the most common diseases. We load a lot on our backs or shoulders.

Studies show that subjectively perceived stress is closely related to back problems.

The Peter Hess sound method for back pain is a gentle and effective way of relieving or even avoiding stress-related back pain.

The gentle yet intense sound waves of the singing bowls penetrate your back and can loosen and release stubborn blockages. The energy can flow again.

The special arrangement and placement of the singing bowls invites body and mind to "let go".

Treat your back to this relaxing and soothing break!

Prices:45 minutes €39

60 minutes €49

Bookable on 0176 82249772 Bookable on 0176 56624484
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