
§1 - General and scope
The following terms and conditions regulate the contractual relationship between Klanglicht-Speyer, Seekatzstrasse 9, 67346 Speyer - hereinafter referred to as the contractor - and the client - hereinafter referred to as the client - as a wellness service within the meaning of §§ 611 ff has not been agreed in writing. The contractor reserves the right to change and supplement these terms and conditions at any time.

§2 - Contract The content and purpose of this contract is a wellness treatment.
The contractual relationship between the client and the contractor comes about with the appointment, at the latest with the appearance at the agreed meeting date. With the assignment, the client declares that he has taken note of these terms and conditions and fully accepts them as part of the contract. The contractor is entitled to refuse treatment without giving reasons; in particular if a required relationship of trust cannot be expected, it is a matter of complaints which the contractor cannot or may not deal with for legal reasons or if the treatment could cause him a moral conflict. Expected success can neither be promised nor guaranteed.

§3 - Content and limits of the wellness treatment.
The type of wellness treatment will be discussed in advance.

§4 - Cooperation of the client
The client is not obliged to actively participate. However, the contractor is entitled to end the wellness treatment if the trust is no longer given, especially if the client denies the content of the consultation. In this case, the contractor's claim to fees for the services rendered up to the point of rejection, including advice, shall remain unaffected.

§5 - Costs
The contractor receives a fee from the client for his service. The respective amount of the fee is agreed with the client before the start of the wellness treatment. Unless otherwise agreed in writing, the fees shown on the website at the time the appointment is made shall apply. The fee is due in cash after the end of each wellness treatment.

§6 - cancellation, failure
The agreed session can be canceled by the client free of charge before it begins. If the contractor has to postpone a meeting, for example for health reasons or because of the contractor, an alternative date will be offered. Since, of course, no guarantees can be given for the success of a wellness treatment, no reimbursement is possible if the desired wellness treatment is not successful.

§7 - Confidentiality of treatment
The contractor treats the client's data confidentially and only provides information regarding the consultations, as well as the accompanying circumstances and the personal circumstances of the client with the client's express written consent. The written form can be waived if the information is provided in the interest of the client and it can be assumed that he will agree.

§8 - Liability
The contractor assumes no liability for damage caused by the client. Each client bears full responsibility for himself and his actions. The client is not liable for arranging contacts with third-party providers, including expressly not for contacts that have come about through the client. This does not apply in the event of intentional or grossly negligent action.

§9 - Severability Clause
Additional agreements must be in writing. Should individual agreements or the general terms and conditions be or become invalid as a whole, the invalid agreement(s) shall be replaced by legally valid agreements which come closest in meaning to the invalid one(s).

§10 – Jurisdiction
Place of jurisdiction is Speyer.
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