

Provider of this website is:

Andreas Odelga

Seekatzstrasse 9

67346 Speyer

Mobile: 0176/82249772


Responsible for content according to § 55 Abs. 2 RStV: Andreas Odelga


small business owner i. S.v. § 19 para. 1 UStG have the right to choose whether they want to pay sales tax. If you decide against the transfer, you generally do not need a sales tax identification number. Accordingly, you do not have to enter a sales tax identification number in the imprint. In addition, small businesses are often not entered in the commercial register, so that no information is required in this respect either. However, if there is an entry in the register or if a sales tax identification number has been issued, the relevant information must be provided. The sample assumes that there is no sales tax identification number and that the operator of the website is not entered in the commercial register. A journalistic-editorially designed offer was also assumed for the sample, so that the provider identification according to § 55 Para. 2 RStV was included separately.

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